My passion for Scala started in 2008 when working on my first startup Later we built (wip) on the same platform. I've also had the pleasure to work with the excellent people at Typesafe as a Scala trainer from 2011 - 2014.

If you're interested in getting started with Scala and need advice, consulting, in-team training, code review, a prototype or working code please get in touch.

I'm based in Geneva, Switzerland. For trainings and short missions I'm used to move around Europe, but I'm also great on Skype / Google hangout.

I've listed some of the things I've been working with under:

  • Languages: Scala, Ocaml, Java.
  • From my scala coding and teaching I've grown familiar with: Lift, Akka, Play 2, Spray and sbt.
  • Full Stack Scala using ScalaJS
  • I've been using Slick since pretty early and even gave a rushed presentaion about it at Skills Matter.
  • Facelift - a CSS and HTML DSL in Scala.
  • I also use Scala for Android development.
  • I'm fund of continous integration and continous deployment.

To make companies in Geneva more aware of the great powers of Scala we started Geneva Scala Enthusiasts. If you are around, please come by.

If you want need more information about my background please check out my linkedIn or simply contact me.