The Simple Build Tool or SBT by Mark Harrah yields great increase in productivity for scala projects. Unfortunately the Jetty integration hasn't been as configurable as the jetty-maven-plugin (maven-jetty-plugin).
The one major thing missing for my part was being able to point to a jetty-env.xml for JNDI datasource configuration.
I did some digging before being able to make jetty aware of my jetty-env.xml.
Check out more details over here.
My first attempt was to pass only the envConfig to the WebAppContext. This loads the JNDI configuration, but the rest of the application is not there. It seems like if <em>one</em> configuration element is passed to the WebAppContext no defaults will be used. Luckily jetty seems to do the right thing when also passing new instances of the other configuration classes.
The jetty-maven-plugin source was of great help.
Update August 13th: My change set has now found it's way to the main trunk of sbt
Want to give it a try ?
git clone git://
cd xsbt
sbt update proguard "project Simple Build Tool" publish-local
In your sbt project configuration file: